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Herregård og herskab. Distinktioner og iscenesættelser på Nørre Vosborg og Hvedholm 1850-1920 [English: Distinctions and Scenarios at Nørre Vosborg and Hvedholm, 1850-1920]
By Signe Boeskov. Published by Museum Tusculanum Press and the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies, 2017. ISBN: 978-87-635-4144-2
Price: DKK 348 + postage and handling charge

Godsejerens ret. Adelens retshåndhævelse i 1700-tallet – lov og praksis ved Clausholm birkeret [English: The Rights of the Estate Owner. Law Enforcement by the Nobility in the 18th Century – Law and Practice at Clausholm’s Birkeret]
By Dorte Kook Lyngholm. Published by the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies and Landbohistorisk Selskab, 2013. ISBN: 978-87-7526-222-9
Price: DKK 198 + postage and handling charge

Ormstrup – Historien om en midtjysk herregård [English: Ormstrup – The History of a Manor House in Central Jutland]
By Espen Kirkegaard Espensen. Publishers’ editors: Signe Steen Boeskov and
Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen. Published by Ormstrup Manor with the assistance of the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies. Skippershoved Press, 2012. Ill., Register (ISBN 978-87-89224-49-7)
Special price: DKK 168 (normal price: DKK 198) + postage and handling charge.

Nybygt af gammel Art. Nygotisk herregårdsarkitektur i Danmark 1830-1900 [English: Neo-Gothic Manor House Architecture in Denmark, 1830-1900].
By Anne Grethe Sværke. Published by the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies and Skippershoved Press, 2010.
Ill. ISBN: 978-87-89224-47-3.
Price: 290 DKK + postage and handling charge.

Det pryder vel en Ædelmand. Festskrift til Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen i anledning af hans 50-års fødselsdag. [English: As Befits a Nobleman. A Celebratory Piece for Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen on the Occasion of his 50th birthday]
Ed.: Signe Steen Boeskov, Dorte Kook Lyngholm and Mikael Frausing. Published by the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies, 2010.
Ill., register. ISBN: 978-87-990777-8-6.
Price: DKK 99 + postage and handling charge.

Byens adelsgårde og palæer. Norden 1720-1800 [English: City Mansions and Townhouses. Scandinavia 1720-1800].
Ed.: Britta Andersen and Pernille Roholt. Published by the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies and Skippershoved Press, 2008 Ill. ISBN 978-87-89224-43-5.
Price: DKK 198 + postage and handling charge.

Herregårdenes Indian Summer – fra Grundloven 1849 til Lensafløsningsloven 1919 [English: The Indian Summer of Denmark’s Manor Houses – From the 1849 Constitution to the Conversion of Entailed Estates Act of 1919].
Ed.: Britta Andersen, Dorte Christensen and Carsten Porskrog Rasmussen. Published by the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies and Skippershoved Press, 2006 Ill. ISBN 87-89224-41-8.
Price: DKK 198 + postage and handling charge.

Gehrdt de Lichtenberg. Storkøbmand, godsejer, pengeudlåner og fabrikant.
Af Annette Hoff.
Udg. af Dansk Center for Herregårdsforskning og Horsens Museum 2007. Ill.
ISBN 978-87-90555-13-9.
Pris: 295 kr. + postage and handling charge.

Gods, gårde og kulturlandskab. Besiddelsesforhold i den sydlige del af Nørrejylland 1570-1788 [English: Estate, Farms and Cultural Landscape. Terms of Possession and Estate Structures in the Southern Area of Northern Jutland from 1570 to 1790].
By Adam Tybjærg Schacke. Published by Landbohistorisk Selskab, 2007 ISBN 978-87-75262-12-0.
Price: DKK 298 + postage and handling charge.

Kreaturforsikringsforeningen KUSTOS 1881-1999 [English: The KUSTOS Livestock Insurance Association 1881-1999]
By Janni Skovvang Ed.: Stine Lucia Rasmussen og Pernille Roholt. Published by the Danish Research Centre for Manorial Studies, 2009. Ill. ISBN 978-990777-1-7.
Price: DKK 99 + postage and handling charge.